Super-Fan Builds chooses megafans from all over the U.S. and gifts them with a one-of-a-kind, custom-made piece of fandom related to their favorite movie, game, or other IP. Each time it takes on the task, it brings in professionals, and this time around, it’s Shane Hammond, head of Set Masters and a movie…
Butchkavitz decided to make everything else square too—the five 24-foot-high fountains constructed by Setmasters surrounded by water gardens with floating pink-and-gold dahlias as well as the square cabanas draped with billowy, iridescent fabric enclosing square ottomans topped by custom-made square pedestal…
For the latest episode of Awe me’s Super-Fan Builds, Set Masters created a DeLorean Hot Tub Time Machine for super fan Brandon. This is one of the best (if not the best) creations by Super-Fan Builds, and they absolutely nailed it, thanks to Shane Hammond, an expert at… Click to read more
POP Culture: Super Fan Builds WWE Entertainment Center
Shane Hammond and the team at Set Masters then needed to know what wrestlers he liked most, and while the list was long, it came around to The Hart Foundation, The New Day, and anything Mick Foley. Set Masters took that idea and…
He topped the tables with silvery Hindu temples, normally used for household altars, which he transformed into candle-holders. Then he hired movie set builders Set Masters to blow up the temples into 24- and 16-foot-high gazebos next to the dance floor and inside the V.I.P. tent.
One large wall was entirely covered with a Big Love poster with the tagline “Everyone has something to hide,” which Set Masters/44 Props had blown up to 45 feet by 22 feet. It towered over gaming tables, which were customized with felt imprinted with the Big Love logo and an orange bleed toward the edges. Click to read more
Be sure to check us out on Super Fan Builds on AWE below!